x. 22 Mei 1712
Geboorte |
ca 1650 |
Königsberg  |
Oorlede |
ca 1717 |
Kaap die Goeie Hoop  |
Begrawe |
Huwelik |
22 Mei 1712 [1] |
Kaapstad [1]  |
Ander Gade |
Laurentia Cornelis | F837 |
Huwelik |
26 Apr 1691 |
Kaapstad  |
Vader |
Moeder |
Geboorte |
Voor 13 Okt 1715 |
Gedoop |
13 Okt 1715 |
Kaapstad  |
Oorlede |
Begrawe |
Dokumente |
 | NGK Kaapstad Huwelike 1695-1712 Bladsy 109-110 "South Africa, Dutch Reformed Church Registers (Cape Town Archives), 1660-1970 ," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HY-DZN4-47W?cc=1478678&wc=M6GW-86F%3A49605401%2C49605402%2C49605403%2C49605404 : 21 May 2014), South Africa > Cape of Good Hope > Cape Town > Baptisms 1695-1712 > image 64 of 84; State… |
Bronne |
- [B58] Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk, NGK Kaapstad Huwelike, lidmate 1713-1756 (G1 13/1), (Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk), 29 Jun 2019, 109 (Betroubaarheid: 3).
do [22 Meij 1712] Martin Meklenbúrg, van Cooningsbergen, Wedu met Anna Maria Swart, Jonge dogter van Stokholm
"South Africa, Dutch Reformed Church Registers (Cape Town Archives), 1660-1970 ," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HY-DZN4-47W?cc=1478678&wc=M6GW-86F%3A49605401%2C49605402%2C49605403%2C49605404 : 21 May 2014), South Africa > Cape of Good Hope > Cape Town > Baptisms 1695-1712 > image 64 of 84; State Archives, Cape Province.